
De VOI organiseert regelmatig een workshop reisgips. De gipsverbandmeester van het WKZ neemt je mee in de wereld van het gipsen. Je krijgt instructie en hulpmiddelen om je te laten gipsen door je reisgenoot of familieleden. Mocht je op vakantie zijn of op reis dan heb je de mogelijkheid om eerste hulp te bieden bij breuken. Het zorgt voor een eerste stabiliteit van je breuk. Uiteraard is het wel verstandig om je binnen 24 tot 48 te melden bij een specialist.

Wanneer je in het buitenland bent dan kan onderstaande tekst handig zijn t.b.v. de hulpverleners.

Instructiefilmpjes voor zelf gipsen

Voor leden zijn er instructiefilmpjes gemaakt door het WKZ. Deze instructiefilmpjes vindt u hier. Inloggen met uw MijnVOI gegevens is nodig.

SOS Hulpmiddel (English)

I have osteogenesis imperfecta (OI, brittle bones). This means that my bones are fragile. OI not only affects the skeleton but the connective tissue in general. Please, consult me/my parents/my companion before you move, transport, examine or treat me; follow my/their directions on how to handle me safely. 

We wish to remind you about the following:

  • In osteogenesis imperfecta fractures can occur easily, or even spontaneously.
  • Symptoms of fractures are not always obvious; pain often indicates a fracture.
  • Just looking for signs of fractures, e.g. abnormal mobility or crepitation, can cause a fracture.
  • The safest way to determine or exclude a fracture is by X-ray examination (see below).
  • As a rule fractures are painful.
  • In case of pain, even without a diagnosed fracture, treatment should, sometimes, be the same as for a fracture.
  • Adequate analgesia is advisable, in children as well as adults.
  • Dosing for medications and anesthesia should be based on the person’s size rather than age.
  • An analgesic and/or a night sedative are recommended the first few days after a fracture.
  • Lightweight materials are preferred for immobilisation.
  • Patients with OI should be mobilised as soon as possible.
  • Please, contact the treating specialist when hospitalisation or surgery is necessary.
  • Many patients with OI have a hearing problem.
X-ray examination:
  • In osteogenesis imperfecta the bones may be demineralised. Lower radiation intensity is usually appropriate (as in osteoporosis) to avoid needless repeat films.
  • Excessive movements and needless lifting should be avoided.
  • Patients or their parents/companions are often experienced by previous examinations. They can be helpful in finding the right position for X-rays to be taken.
  • A lead shield for the reproductive organs should be used.

Surgery and Anaesthesia:

  • Carefully transfer the person/patient to and from the operating table, supporting him/her well.
  • Be aware of existing deformities or contractures when positioning the person/patient on the operating table.
  • Bend the head gently backwards for intubation, minimizing the risk of fracturing cervical vertebrae; be aware of the vulnerable mucosa of the trachea. The teeth are often fragile as well.

For other languages:


Wat is de VOI?

Vereniging Osteogenesis Imperfecta zorgt voor informatievoorziening, lotgenotencontact en belangenbehartiging


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Vereniging Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Postbus 418
2000 AK Haarlem